55 research outputs found

    SAJaS: enabling JADE-based simulations

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    Multi-agent systems (MAS) are widely acknowledged as an appropriate modelling paradigm for distributed and decentralized systems, where a (potentially large) number of agents interact in non-trivial ways. Such interactions are often modelled defining high-level interaction protocols. Open MAS typically benefit from a number of infrastructural components that enable agents to discover their peers at run-time. On the other hand, multi-agent-based simulations (MABS) focus on applying MAS to model complex social systems, typically involving a large agent population. Several MAS development frameworks exist, but they are often not appropriate for MABS; and several MABS frameworks exist, albeit sharing little with the former. While open agent-based applications benefit from adopting development and interaction standards, such as those proposed by FIPA, MABS frameworks typically do not support them. In this paper, a proposal to bridge the gap between MAS simulation and development is presented, including two components. The Simple API for JADE-based Simulations (SAJaS) enhances MABS frameworks with JADE-based features. While empowering MABS modellers with modelling concepts offered by JADE, SAJaS also promotes a quicker development of simulation models for JADE programmers. In fact, the same implementation can, with minor changes, be used as a large scale simulation or as a distributed JADE system. In its current version, SAJaS is used in tandem with the Repast simulation framework. The second component of our proposal consists of a MAS Simulation to Development (MASSim2Dev) tool, which allows the automatic conversion of a SAJaS-based simulation into a JADE MAS, and vice-versa. SAJaS provides, for certain kinds of applications, increased simulation performance. Validation tests demonstrate significant performance gains in using SAJaS with Repast when compared with JADE, and show that the usage of MASSim2Dev preserves the original functionality of the system. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

    To Adapt or Not to Adapt – Consequences of Adapting Driver and Traffic Light Agents

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    One way to cope with the increasing traffic demand is to integrate standard solutions with more intelligent control measures. However, the result of possible interferences between intelligent control or information provision tools and other components of the overall traffic system is not easily predictable. This paper discusses the effects of integrating co-adaptive decision-making regarding route choices (by drivers) and control measures (by traffic lights). The motivation behind this is that optimization of traffic light control is starting to be integrated with navigation support for drivers. We use microscopic, agent-based modelling and simulation, in opposition to the classical network analysis, as this work focuses on the effect of local adaptation. In a scenario that exhibits features comparable to real-world networks, we evaluate different types of adaptation by drivers and by traffic lights, based on local perceptions. In order to compare the performance, we have also used a global level optimization method based on genetic algorithms

    From Physical to Virtual: Widening the Perspective on Multi-Agent Environments

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23850-0_9Since more than a decade, the environment is seen as a key element when analyzing, developing or deploying Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) applications. Especially, for the development of multi-agent platforms it has become a key concept, similarly to many application in the area of location-based, distributed systems. An emerging, prominent application area for MAS is related to Virtual Environments. The underlying technology has evolved in a way, that these applications have grown out of science fiction novels till research papers and even real applications. Even more, current technologies enable MAS to be key components of such virtual environments. In this paper, we widen the concept of the environment of a MAS to encompass new and mixed physical, virtual, simulated, etc. forms of environments. We analyze currently most interesting application domains based on three dimensions: the way different "realities" are mixed via the environment, the underlying natures of agents, the possible forms and sophistication of interactions. In addition to this characterization, we discuss how this widened concept of possible environments influences the support it can give for developing applications in the respective domains.Carrascosa Casamayor, C.; Klugl, F.; Ricci, A.; Boissier, O. (2015). From Physical to Virtual: Widening the Perspective on Multi-Agent Environments. En Agent Environments for Multi-Agent Systems IV. 4th International Workshop, E4MAS 2014 - 10 Years Later, Paris, France, May 6, 2014. 133-146. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23850-0_9S133146Aggarwal, J.K., Ryoo, M.S.: Human activity analysis: a review. ACM Comput. Surv. 43(3), 16:1–16:43 (2011)Argente, E., Boissier, O., Carrascosa, C., Fornara, N., McBurney, P., Noriega, P., Ricci, A., Sabater-Mir, J., et al.: The role of the environment in agreement technologies. AI Rev. 39(1), 21–38 (2013)Barreteau, O., et al.: Our companion modelling approach. J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul. 6(1), 1–6 (2003)Boissier, O., Bordini, R.H., Hübner, J.F., Ricci, A., Santi, A.: Multi-agent oriented programming with jacamo. Sci. Comput. Program. 78(6), 747–761 (2013)Burdea, G., Coiffet, P.: Virtual Reality Technology. Wiley, New York (2003)Castelfranchi, C., Pezzullo, G., Tummolini, L.: Behavioral implicit communication (BIC): communicating with smart environments via our practical behavior and its traces. Int. J. Ambient Comput. Intell. 2(1), 1–12 (2010)Castelfranchi, C., Piunti, M., Ricci, A., Tummolini, L.: AMI systems as agent-based mirror worlds: bridging humans and agents through stigmergy. In: Bosse, T. (ed.) Agents and Ambient Intelligence, Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, pp. 17–31. IOS Press, Amsterdam (2012)Ferber, J.: Multi-Agent Systems: An Introduction to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Addison Wesley Longman, Harlow (1999)Gelernter, D.: Mirror Worlds - or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox: How it Will Happen and What it Will Mean. Oxford University Press, New York (1992)Gibson, W.: Neuromancer. Ace, New York (1984)Klügl, F., Fehler, M., Herrler, R.: About the role of the environment in multi-agent simulations. In: Weyns, D., Van Parunak, H.D., Michel, F. (eds.) E4MAS 2004. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 3374, pp. 127–149. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)Krueger, M.: Artificial Reality II. Addison-Wesley, New York (1991)Luck, M., Aylett, R.: Applying artificial intelligence to virtual reality: intelligent virtual environments. Appl. Artif. Intell. 14(1), 3–32 (2000)Dorigo, M., Floreano, D., Gambardella, L.M., et al.: Swarmanoid: a novel concept for the study of heterogeneous robotic swarms. IEEE Robot. Autom. Mag. 20(4), 60–71 (2013)Milgram, P., Kishino, A.F.: Taxonomy of mixed reality visual displays. IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst. E77–D(12), 1321–1329 (1994)Olsson, T., Salo, M.: Online user survey on current mobile augmented reality applications. In: Proceedings of the 2011 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2011, pp. 75–84. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA (2011)Saunier, J., Balbo, F., Pinson, S.: A formal model of communication and context awareness in multiagent systems. J. Logic Lang. Inform. 23(2), 219–247 (2014)Stephenson, N.: Snow Crash. Bantam Books, New York (1992)Tummolini, L., Castelfranchi, C.: Trace signals: the meanings of stigmergy. In: Weyns, D., Van Parunak, H.D., Michel, F. (eds.) E4MAS 2006. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 4389, pp. 141–156. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)Weyns, D., Omicini, A., Odell, J.: Environment as a first class abstraction in multiagent systems. Auton. Agent. Multi-Agent Syst. 14(1), 5–30 (2007)Weyns, D., Schelfthout, K., Holvoet, T., Lefever, T.: Decentralized control of e’gv transportation systems. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 67–74. ACM (2005)Weyns, D., Schumacher, M., Ricci, A., Viroli, M., Holvoet, T.: Environments in multiagent systems. Knowl. Eng. Rev. 20(2), 127–141 (2005

    A generic testing framework for agent-based simulation models

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    International audienceAgent-based modelling and simulation (ABMS) had an increasing attention during the last decade. However, the weak validation and verification of agent-based simulation models makes ABMS hard to trust. There is no comprehensive tool set for verification and validation of agent-based simulation models, which demonstrates that inaccuracies exist and/or reveals the existing errors in the model. Moreover, on the practical side, many ABMS frameworks are in use. In this sense, we designed and developed a generic testing framework for agent-based simulation models to conduct validation and verification of models. This paper presents our testing framework in detail and demonstrates its effectiveness by showing its applicability on a realistic agent-based simulation case study

    Adaptivity and Scheduling

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    Conception and evaluation of a case-based training system for university-wide adoption (CaseTrain)

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    Based on previous experiences with systems for case-based training in medicine, requirements, implementation and university wide evaluation of the multidisciplinary player and authoring tool for case-based training CaseTrain are presented. Key factors for its success were (1) the facility, to author training cases with standard text systems and to manage case upload with a web based management tool, (2) the tight integration with a learning management platform, (3) an emphasis on curricular integration of the cases and automatic evaluation facilities.Basierend auf umfangreichen Erfahrungen mit fallbasierten Trainingssystemen in der Medizin werden Anforderungen, Umsetzung und eine universitätsweite Evaluation des fachübergreifenden Players und Autorensystem für fallbasiertes Training CaseTrain präsentiert. Die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren waren (1) die Falleingabe mit Standardtextsystemen und einer Webapplikation zum Upload der Falldokumente und zur Fallverwaltung, (2) die Integration mit einer Lernplattform und (3) die curriculare Integration der Trainingsfälle mit automatisierten Evaluationstechniken

    Conception and evaluation of a case-based training system for university-wide adoption (CaseTrain)

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    Based on previous experiences with systems for case-based training in medicine, requirements, implementation and university wide evaluation of the multidisciplinary player and authoring tool for case-based training CaseTrain are presented. Key factors for its success were (1) the facility, to author training cases with standard text systems and to manage case upload with a web based management tool, (2) the tight integration with a learning management platform, (3) an emphasis on curricular integration of the cases and automatic evaluation facilities.Basierend auf umfangreichen Erfahrungen mit fallbasierten Trainingssystemen in der Medizin werden Anforderungen, Umsetzung und eine universitätsweite Evaluation des fachübergreifenden Players und Autorensystem für fallbasiertes Training CaseTrain präsentiert. Die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren waren (1) die Falleingabe mit Standardtextsystemen und einer Webapplikation zum Upload der Falldokumente und zur Fallverwaltung, (2) die Integration mit einer Lernplattform und (3) die curriculare Integration der Trainingsfälle mit automatisierten Evaluationstechniken
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